<?php /** * workermen功能测试类 * author webyang.net */ namespace Cli\Library\WmServices; class User { public function getName($id) { $result = array( 'status' => 0, 'message' => '请求失败', ); if($id) { $result = array( 'status' => 1, 'name' => 'webyang.net', 'message' => '', ); //数据库调用 //$arr = M('Users')->find($id); //$result['name'] = $arr['username']; } return $result; } }Cli模块下WorkermanController.class.php是workerman的启动文件,源码:
<?php namespace Cli\Controller; use Workerman\Worker; /** * workermen启动控制器 * author webyang.net */ class WorkermanController{ public function __construct() { $this->logPath = APP_PATH . 'Runtime/Logs/Cli/workerman.logs'; } //启动workerman public function index(){ //限制命令行 if(!IS_CLI){ die("access illegal"); } require_once APP_PATH.'Workerman/Autoloader.php'; Worker::$daemonize = true;//以守护进程运行 Worker::$pidFile = '/data/logs/Worker/workerman.pid';//方便监控WorkerMan进程状态 Worker::$stdoutFile = '/data/logs/Worker/stdout.log';//输出日志, 如echo,var_dump等 Worker::$logFile = '/data/logs/Worker/workerman.log';//workerman自身相关的日志,包括启动、停止等,不包含任何业务日志 $worker = new Worker('JsonNL://');//此处我使用内网ip $worker->name = 'Worker'; $worker->count = 32; //$worker->transport = 'udp';// 使用udp协议,默认TCP $worker->onWorkerStart = function($worker){ echo "Worker starting...\n"; }; $worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data){ // 判断数据是否正确 if(empty($data['class']) || empty($data['method']) || !isset($data['param_array'])) { // 发送数据给客户端,请求包错误 return $connection->send(array('code'=>400, 'msg'=>'bad request', 'data'=>null)); } // 获得要调用的类、方法、及参数 $class = $data['class']; $method = $data['method']; $param_array = $data['param_array']; // 判断类对应文件是否载入 if(!class_exists($class)) { $include_file = __DIR__ . "/Library/WmServices/$class.php"; if(is_file($include_file)) { require_once $include_file; } $className = '\Cli\Library\WmServices\\'.$class; if(!class_exists($className)) { $code = 404; $msg = $include_file.", class $className not found"; // 发送数据给客户端 类不存在 return $connection->send(array('code'=>$code, 'msg'=>$msg, 'data'=>null)); } } // 调用类的方法 try { $ret = call_user_func_array(array($className, $method), $param_array); if($ret['status'] == 0) { //处理失败,记录log $this->addLog('Class : '. $class.', method:'. $method.', params:'.json_encode($param_array).', err_message:'.$ret['message']); } // 发送数据给客户端,调用成功,data下标对应的元素即为调用结果 return $connection->send(array('code'=>0, 'msg'=>'ok', 'data'=>$ret)); } // 有异常 catch(Exception $e) { // 发送数据给客户端,发生异常,调用失败 $code = $e->getCode() ? $e->getCode() : 500; $this->addLog('Class : '. $class.', method:'. $method.', params:'.json_encode($param_array).', err_message:'.$e->getMessage()); return $connection->send(array('code'=>$code, 'msg'=>$e->getMessage(), 'data'=>$e)); } }; $worker->onBufferFull = function($connection){ echo "bufferFull and do not send again\n"; }; $worker->onBufferDrain = function($connection){ echo "buffer drain and continue send\n"; }; $worker->onWorkerStop = function($worker){ echo "Worker stopping...\n"; }; $worker->onError = function($connection, $code, $msg){ echo "error $code $msg\n"; }; // 运行worker Worker::runAll(); } protected function addLog($message, $type = 'ERROR', $exit = false) { file_put_contents($this->logPath, date('Y-m-d H:i:s').' '.$type.':'.$message.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); if($exit) { exit; } } }Home模块添加调用的处理,目录结构:
<?php /** * workermen web测试控制器 * author webyang.net */ namespace Home\Controller; use Think\Controller; class IndexController extends Controller { public function index() { $this->show('Thinkphp集成Workerman,更多请关注:<a href="http://webyang.net">webyang.net</a>','utf-8'); } //访问此方法查看调用 public function test() { $uid = 1; \Home\Library\RpcClient::config(C('RPC_ADDRESS')); $rpcClient = \Home\Library\RpcClient::instance('User'); //var_dump($rpcClient);exit; // ==同步调用== $return = $rpcClient->getName($uid); var_dump($return);exit; // ==异步调用== $return = $rpcClient->asend_getName($uid); var_dump($return); } }
另外注意下Home模块下的Library文件下RpcClient.class.php,这个也是官网下载的(json RPC远程调用框架 包Applications/JsonRpc/Client/RpcClient.class.php)。
启动workerman:php cli.php Workerman
访问 localhost/Index/test